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DIY 108-Bead Mala Necklace, Tiger Eye And Kyanite

DIY 108-Bead Mala Necklace, Tiger Eye and Kyanite

DIY Make Time: 1 – 1.5 Hour

This is how I make an 108-bead mala necklace of kyanite and tiger eye gemstone beads.  Mala literally means ‘prayer’ so when made into a necklace, you are making a garland of prayers.  That’s why malas are powerful manifesting tools, especially when made of a sacred number that’s aligned with the creative force of the universe.

In this tutorial I make a traditional 108-bead mala, but feel free to use any sacred number that resonates with you or the intention of making your mala. I also made a mala using 81 beads honoring sacred number 9. As you can see in the chart below, there are many sacred numbers in the universe.

What turns a mala into a powerful divination tool is whether the pattern and materials used match the intention or purpose of the mala. For example, if you want a mala that will manifest abundance and prosperity in your life, create a mala design using citrine, aventurine, peridot and amber.

Here are suggestions on what gemstones to use for the purpose of your mala:

Labradorite & Kyanite

Rose Quartz & Opal

Tourmaline & Amethyst

Shungite & Kunzite

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